Source code for tg_react.apiurls

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

    from django.urls import URLPattern as RegexURLPattern, URLResolver as RegexURLResolver
except ImportError:
    from django.core.urlresolvers import RegexURLPattern, RegexURLResolver  # Removed in Django 2.0

[docs]def ucfirst(word): return word[0].upper() + word[1:].lower()
[docs]def to_camelcase(value): value = value.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_').lower() return "".join([ucfirst(x) if i > 0 else x for i, x in enumerate(value.split('_'))])
[docs]def get_url_regex_pattern(urlpattern): if hasattr(urlpattern, 'pattern'): # Django 2.0 return urlpattern.pattern.regex else: # Django < 2.0 return urlpattern.regex
[docs]def tokenize_pattern(regex): if not regex: return regex pattern_str = regex.pattern # Just a matching group, replace with ${argID} if not len(list(regex.groupindex.keys())): for idx in range(1, regex.groups + 1): pattern_str = re.sub(r"\([^\)]+\)", "${arg%s}" % (idx - 1), pattern_str) # Replace group match with ${groupName} for key, idx in regex.groupindex.items(): pattern_str = re.sub(r"(\(\?P<%s>)[^\)]+\)" % key, "${%s}" % key, pattern_str) return pattern_str.replace('\\/', '/').replace('\\/', '/').lstrip('^').rstrip('$')
[docs]def flatten_patterns(urlconf, base_path=None, namespace=None): result = {} base_path = base_path or '' namespace = namespace or '' namespace = '%s:' % namespace if namespace else '' if not isinstance(urlconf, (RegexURLResolver, list)): raise ImproperlyConfigured('The urlconf provided cannot be flattened.') if isinstance(urlconf, RegexURLResolver): urlconf = urlconf.url_patterns for url in urlconf: url_regex = None if isinstance(url, (RegexURLPattern, RegexURLResolver)): url_regex = get_url_regex_pattern(url) if isinstance(url, RegexURLPattern): if == 'api-noop' or not continue url_result = '%s%s' % (base_path, tokenize_pattern(url_regex)) result['%s%s' % (namespace, to_camelcase(] = url_result elif isinstance(url, RegexURLResolver): flattened = flatten_patterns( url, base_path=base_path + (tokenize_pattern(url_regex) or ''), namespace=namespace + (url.namespace or '') ) for key, value in flattened.items(): result[key] = value return result
[docs]def flatten_urls(module_path, base_path): if not module_path.endswith('urlpatterns'): module_path += '.urlpatterns' return flatten_patterns(import_string(module_path), base_path=base_path)